Invention of pneumatic tubes dates back to the 1st Century. It has improved various forms of transportation in many organizations and business units. The pneumatic tube system itself is a complex combination of carriers, tubes, blowers, delivery stations, diverters, a computer control center and other controls. Manufacturers have special units for handling each of these parts.

Pneumatic tube system carriers are reusable plastic containers which hold and secure items to be sent via the pneumatic tube system. It may be made of steel in a few other instances. Perhaps the carrier is the most significant part of the pneumatic tube system because it carries the load. It can work a little bit much easier when foam inserts have been placed in order to provide more cushioning that provides safety for items being transported via the pneumatic tube system.

A number of factors are considered in coming up with the pneumatic tube system carriers. The professional facility engineers determine the size and material of the carrier taking into consideration the density of materials to be transported, size of diverters and the user’s specifications as well. It is quite affordable because the material components are readily available.

Different pneumatic tube system carriers are suited for different purposes. The types of systems in consideration are pressure carriers, vacuum or pressure-vacuum carriers. The pneumatic tube system carriers can be easily operated because of the computer control system which can be set to send the carrier and then return it after delivering the items. They move at very high speeds and are therefore very convenient. Pneumatic tube system carriers are used in pharmaceuticals, hospitals, medical laboratories, colleges and campuses, retail and commercial businesses, banks among others. The items in pneumatic tube systems are also very safe because they are transported via a stream of gas.

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    July 2012

